The world is about to end. The avengers and heros allied with them knew it. Thanos has finally found the infinity stones. They are all easy to grab. Well all except for one. The Soul Stone. Prophecy states that The Mad Purple Titan Thanos would go to Vormir with his daughter and throw her off the highest point on the mountain there. It would send her to her death, and destroying Thanos. Which was the point. To earn the Soul Stone, you must make a great sacrifice. A Soul for a Soul But what if the stone was not there? What if it actually hadn't been there in many many years? Time made Thanos arrogant, cocky. He was the apex predator, unstoppable, inevitable. He didn't bother to find out the truth about the stones. All he cared about was finding about where they were and what it took to get them. But he didn't know that someone had already sent for it when they first rose to power and eventually replaced it with a fake. He just didn't know. Thanos didn't know that Gamora would die for nothing. He didn't know that taking on the avengers and killing Loki, he would be signing his death sentence BEFORE he completed his lifelong mission. But then again, he didn't know of Eydis before this either. Perhaps he should have. Things would have been different if he did.All Rights Reserved