This is the sequel to my first TAWOG story, "The Gift." While Gumball shared an epic adventure with his mother Nicole in that story, this time, it's Anais' turn and she gets to share it with her father Richard. By the power of pink💖💖
Four years ago, Anais was born anything but the cute, sweet, innocent little pink bunny she is today. She was maniacal, diabolical, she was... evil, and proudly displayed it with her Pennywise-like grin and constant plots to try to cause harm to, get rid of, or even kill her older brothers Gumball and Darwin! Luckily she's grown out of it and those days are over, or are they? After a dream in which she once again felt the evil she felt in her infant years, she realizes that something is seriously wrong, and is worried her brothers will be in danger once again.
What she will learn, however, is that she is not the only member of the family who has experienced this entity at some point in life. Richard had been meaning to talk to his daughter about all this at some point, but never knew when it would be the perfect time, until now. While the power of blue in the family had been forced to harness the tendencies of rage and anger into boundless love, the power of pink will have to do the same with evil! But will Anais be up to the challenge? And more importantly where did this entity within her and Richard even come from?