An orphans, small-town, southern girl held hostage by responsibility and self doubt.
A Hollywood A-list mega-star, on the run from his latest scandal and with everything lose.
A chance encounter that leads to an unlikely arrangement and epic love affair that will change them both forever.
When his co-star and real-life girlfriend is caught cheating on him with her director, A-list hottie, Ross Lynch, finds himself in sleepy Butler Cove, South Carolina. Jack hopes the sultry southern heat in this tiny coastal Lowcountry town will hide him not only from the tabloids and his cheating girlfriend, but his increasingly vapid life and the people who run it. he doesn't count on meeting Laura Marano.
Laura Marano has relied in herself so long, dealing with her family's death and the responsibilities of keeping up her family's historic mansion, that boys and certainly the meager offering of eligible boys in Butler Cove, have never figured into her equation. But fate has other plans. Suddenly face to face with the man who played the movie role of her favorite fictional hero, Ross has Laura yearning for everything she has previously avoided... and Ross must decide whether this funny, sassy girl is worth changing his life for, before his mistakes catch up to him.
Ross Lynch was a monster inside. Sometimes he could control it. Other times it just came without warning. He was one of the old legends. He was known as, 'The Wolf Boy'. He could attack at anytime. He has his own little pack. (R5) He didn't care about any other human. That is... until he met Laura. Laura Marano is your average teenage girl. But she's different. She always has her nose in a good book, she is very beautiful, and even knows how to play a few instruments. She was never expecting what happened to her that night. The night she came face to face, with Ross Lynch. Ross immediately sees Laura as someone different. She's not like any other human he's ever seen. She seems to actually have a heart. Follow Ross and Laura on their many adventures of excitement, drama, and maybe even true love.