Huddling in one of the corners, Sapnap holds the broken goggles in his hand as he sits back against the wall, ignoring the silent tears that streamed down his face. He's hopelessly waited for a certain brunet to appear by the door to take him home, but it was a useless thing to hope on. Just like his hope to getting out of here anytime soon. "I kept my promise Karl. Now, I'm just waiting on you...come back...please...I don't want to be alone anymore..." Shutting his eyes, he doesn't open them when he hears the door open, nor does he open them when gentle fingers wipe away the falling tears. The only time he did open them was to stare blankly at the knife strapped onto the person's belt, completely blocking out the words the other was saying. Without hesitation, his hand immediately reaches out for the knife while the other held onto the broken goggles tighter. He doesn't stop when he hears Bad yell his name, nor does he stop when he finally had the one thing to take him to freedom. To Karl. 'If you won't come back...then I'll come to you.' . . . Literally finished making this at like 11 at night, but it's worth it if it means I can make angst.All Rights Reserved