A tale and old as Time: The Sorceress Princess is banished for the crimes of attempts at killing her sister along side the Skeleton Knight, who was the one who caused the whole mess to begin with. Now burdened with the crimes on their shoulders and hatred for each other. Something unexpected happened, their magic gave birth to.....a baby. But instead of accepting them: The Father of the newborn neglects the child as the Sorceress Princess brutally beating the child for 5 years.
But soon things go to far, as the child was beaten to the brink of death. The poor child runs from his hell hole and soon finds himself in the care of a sweet Kind Mother and her Green cinnamon roll of a son. The Mother adopts the boy and the brothers go on many adventures eventually joining a guild, making new friends along the way. But what would happen when the boy comes aross the Kingdom of the Dreamers... and will he be able to face them. Come Join Saito Midoriya in this story as an adventurer