13 parts Complete George is a very bright individual who never let anything stop him. Although he wasn't what you would call 'normal' depending on what you believe normal even is. His father was a scientist, a great one even but one day he went mad. A new project was created. Project 404. George was experimented so much like nothing before. At that point, he was barely human anymore. He adapted to his surrounds and his skills had enhanced.
Eventually his father let him go to school for the first time in forever and that's when he met THEM. Two guys who happened to give all the chemicals in his brain a different reaction.
Feeling cold, numb and overwhelmed for most of his life.. he starts feeling some type of care for these boys. He started reacted differently more than he would.
Not only do feelings start to grow but also his problems.
- Drug Use
- Sexual activities
- Substance Abuse
- Violence Acts/words