Evie is a 10-year-old girl who lives at the Lamia mansion as a companion to the eldest prince, 12-year-old Hatchet. Evie's entire purpose as a companion is to feed him her blood and, in turn, she is protected by him from other Nightrealm members who want to harm her, including Jain, Hatchet's father's attendant, and Hatchet's two younger brothers, August and September. When a raid of the mansion by the GARD (Government Association in the Removal of Demons) occurs, Evie thinks Hatchet is killed after being shot trying to protect her before she is taken away by the captains who led the raid. The only known survivors are August and September, who escape and find asylum with Prince Zed in Spain.
Seven years after the raid and massacre of their family, August and September return to their family home to sell it. While waiting at the airport to return to Spain, August has a vision that Hatchet is still alive and somewhere in the mansion. They return to their family home and find an emaciated Hatchet, who'd been trapped in a secret space behind the walls for seven years. He tells August and September that the GARD is not responsible for almost killing him-Evie is-and he is determined to destroy her and avenge his family.
Through plots of revenge and retribution, both Hatchet and Evie discover there is far more to their unique stories than either knows. Ultimately, they learn that sometimes someone must be willing to go to great lengths to protect the ones they love-even if it means their own death.