TW: Themes of abuse
(Cover may be changed later)
Since December of 1991, the world has never been the same. A war that should have been cold, rarely seeing the heat of battle beyond some unnecessary skirmishes in developing countries, ended with an earthquake. The United States was shaken from a series of increasingly frequent assassinations. The government was shut down, politicians refused to leave their homes, celebrities were detained for even uttering simple words associated with communism. America, himself, found himself sleeping with a knife under his pillow and a gun in each drawer of his night stand.
But that stopped nothing.
Now, America's flag hosts red, white, and gold. Not a waking moment does he spend relaxed. He's treated like the dirt beneath Soviet's shoes. And to add insult to injury, a blindfold has become his uniform to hide his most damning Soviet-inflicted scar. It's hard to imagine he might be able to escape.