"Earlier this evening, a world wide criminal known for his craftsmanship has finally been caught. Officers report that justice has commenced and families will now be able to sleep peacefully at night," The reporter says plainly, reading off a screen.
Ashton shuffles cards in the commons area, his handcuffed hands jingling with every move as the nearby t.v statics in an out until someone bangs on the old box.
"For those who don't know, Ashton Irwin is a former high school senior who would murder his victims with a rusty axe, after carving their names and so called sins into their skin..."
"Brutal," Ashton hears another inmate who was standing behind him looking at the t.v.
Ashton says nothing, shuffling the worn out cards that was missing the king of hearts.
"Did you know he was being transferred here?"
Again, he doesn't reply.
"So why are you in here?"
At this question, Ashton's hands come to a halt. Staring down at the metal table before turning towards the man.
"No reason."