This is a story that happened a long time ago; in a galaxy far far away. There was once a young padawan named Caleb Daemon, who was trained by Master Broo Terix. At a young age, his training was focused on his connection to the Light and Dark side of the Force. The two of them fought alongside each other during the clone wars in many battles. Everything changed when Order 66 was activated and the clones turned on all of the Jedi. Broo Terix sacrificed himself so Caleb could escape with the Jedi and Sith Holocrons. Many years later, Peter takes a job as a bodyguard to a young girl named Rebecca Bluegarden and her small blue cat friend, Happy. Since the loss of his master, Caleb has kept the secret of being a Jedi a secret, but it could be revealed when the Empire searches for him. Now, Caleb has found new friends that will battle the empire and show that there is still hope left in the Galaxy.All Rights Reserved
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