TW : depression, suicidal thoughts
Alexander had, according to him, no more reason to live. He was tired, and his head kept telling him that he had no one, that if he disappeared, no one would care.
And that was true. Alexander was alone, terribly alone. He was waiting for someone. More than anyone on this Earth, he needed a person by his side, because that was the only thing that would have allowed him to stay alive. Alexander couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't find any meaning in his life, and to continue fighting had become useless. And he had no one.
Yeah, he just needed someone.
And it was there, just as everything was falling apart around him, that he met him.
John. The boy he was waiting for. The person he needed.
Okay, this story is not amazing, but I hope you'll enjoy it!
Note: All my future Lams fics will be on my AO3 account (same name as this one).
A collection of sad stories about Alexander Hamilton and John Laurens. I may write some one shots that aren't so depressing in the future, but for now it's just angst.
*Cover art is by wubdoe on Tumblr