2019.England, London. The story of a girl who finds herself in a bridge ready to jump, ready to give up of everything, she has no more reasons to stay in the world, she lost everything, she's hurt and can't take the pain anymore, her heart is in a milion pieces and can't be fixed. One more step and she falls to the deep river letting everything behind. Suicide an action that is seen by the others as an act of cowardly and wekness, but sometimes they just can't fight anymore because they have Been fighting all this time, sometimes they just have been through so much that they have no more strength and, in the end, they're not cowards but Strong persons who have gone through too much and can't take it anymore. But why would such a young girl do THIS?? What reasons has she?
<< I wanted to be the hero........turns out I was The villain.....>>
<< I Will see you again soon.......>> the girl said waving to her parents and seeing them drive away ..........
<< I Will see you again soon.....>>
The girl said while putting flours on her parents grave.
(Remember this is fiction, this is not an incentive to suicide)🖤