IS BEING REWRITTEN- rewrote? Rewritten? You get it.
Truck-kun took your life away,
like a thief stealing a bag,
as confusing Fate is,
You get reincarnated,
like you wished.
no one, no two,
a mission from the divine,
you'll get down to the omniverse
As one of the angel and true gardian of all,
Fly little one,
you'll need more power
Swallow the divine fruit
Gard the magic,
Absorb their energies
You are the chosen one,
The real among many others,
You are the new gardian,
The bringer of peace and calm,
Y/N, my child, take care.
Error has gone through multiple hells since the day he woke up in the Anti-Void. Sci and Blueberry still believe in him, but that's little consolation when he faces a brutal beating every time he must destroy an AU. And to make matters worse, he doesn't want to keep doing this. Unfortunately, it's hard to escape Fate. The question is, will Fate finally cut him some slack, or is Error doomed to continue this vicious cycle with Ink forever?
Hai. I decided I wanted to do this cuz I made the cover and decided, "hey, let's see where my imagination takes me with this one!" Might be slow updates, but I'll draw up a schedule when I get to a certain point.