Andrew Reyes, a graduating junior high school student, finds himself revisiting the life he has forgotten. Creating connections and friendships, he becomes acquainted with a tall soft-hearted classmate, Aiden Pelaez. Unprecedentedly lighting up a spark in their friendship, it results in one boy denying his feelings and the other embarking on a new path fate put him into.
Alongside, Lange Martinez, a close friend of Aiden, finds himself struggling to shake off the existence of a persistent boy, Lawrence De La Cruz, having too much energy despite the small body of his. Unable to foresee the energetic boy's hidden motives, Lange gets in a tough spot after receiving Lawrence's confession.
With the four boys stepping into a new phase in life, where friendship, love, and family isn't as innocent and simple as it seems, they realize there is more to life than just growing up, finding out their biggest problem is the ever unpredictable future.
《 This is a BoyxBoy story 》
William Caddel wants to live. Between crushing expectations and the strictness that comes with them that seems like such an impossible thing to do.
He has so much of the world he wants to see, so much he wants to experience. He's a kid who is expected to act like anything but.
With the help of a friend he gets a tiny taste of freedom. He gets a grasp of what life could be like away from his pretentious private school and snobby parents. He gets to experience the life he's dreamed of and gets hooked fast.
For Ian Morrison it didn't take long to see through the boy his sister brought along to hangout one day. The awkward, anxious, shy type. The kid grew on him, faster than he could've imagined.
After learning about everything Liam has missed out on, Ian wants to help him. Doing things you've never done before with someone else as a guide opens up a whole new life. Liam is already trying many new things and getting opportunities he's never had before, so why not offer up one more?