Getting comfy in your house environment can be replenished if you choose to be safe and healthy while staying in a pg. Life in a pg grants you the buttons to control your lifestyles through your prudence. Be wise while availing your powers! Amidst the Covid -19 situations, this unwelcomed novel guest has to be dealt with with utmost heed and perseverance. As the saying goes "Prevention is better than Cure'' you ought to take certain vigilant steps towards your health in this menacing situation. Looking after both your mental health and physiological well-being should be your prime concern. Let us fight this peril with all our zeal, by just taking care of ourselves. Don't you think we are blessed to be able to just do nothing other than taking care of ourselves to save the Globe!! Gear up your mind and keep reading to know some easy steps in staying safe while enjoying your stay! Given below are some safety tips that one should follow to minimize the risk of getting COVID positive. Check them out:All Rights Reserved