Jeremiah Frasier leaves his luxurious estate in California alongside his younger brother Damien to visit their distant Aunt Martha in Pine Hill, Kentucky. When they lose track of the roads they take, they hesitate to ask for directions from a local diesel mechanic on the side of the road. Set on their way and totally creeped out, they find themselves on Midway Ridge, a place with an ancient curse that once you enter, it's too late to turn back
[Preview] - "Oh, my lord, you're way off track, my friend. This here is Midway Ridge, a not-so-welcoming place to outsiders like you folk. Wise tell says that once you pass the ol' oak tree right yonder, you're in their territory now, and their ain't no goin' back then." Clifford spoke with quite the potent stare, something that they had never seen before. These southern people were far from what they were accustomed to back home, but they just went along with it.
"Then, tell us, if you could sir." Jeremiah mumbled quietly, wiping the sweat from his eyebrow with his shirt's sleeve. "How far is it to our destination?"
The ol' grease-stained buzzard had a twitch to his eye as he stared harder and harder each second, right until an villainous laugh uttered from his thin lips. He didn't speak a word, just a peculiar laughter that could terrify the soul. Right then, they took the hint that they were not welcome in this place and that they had to go.