Words may seem powerless, when carelessly thrown at each other. But at some point, we all witness their mighty strength as they cut through our hearts and reach for our souls. Gasping, when we stumble back due sheer strength, that's when we realise their true meaning. So here I am, trying to string together all the tales that escaped my casual outlook, all the letters I took for granted, all the words that I should've said and some that I shouldn't have uttered at all. These are the stories of words that store pain of own who betrayed and left, unknowing loyalty of those strangers, happiness of that kind gesture, sorrow of that long forgotten memory, apprehension about that first daring step, of tears which danced with rains at times and soaked pillows, the other times, stories of unreasonable fears, surprising love, weak- strong bonds, impossible dreams, joy bundled in tiny little moments and much more . These are the bits that photos don't capture, only words scratched on hidden pages do. An outlet of emotions that we all bottle up, waiting for right place, right person to open up to, but which often open explodes without our permissions, sneaking past our heavily guarded walls for all the wrong reasons and at most wrong of places. This is collection of poetry, through which I'm trying to give a way to feelings that we seldom say out aloud, but just keep under siege, somewhere at back of our rib cages, waiting for them to be swallowed and disappear. But they don't. Unless we suffer at their hands, wallow our hearts out for them to pity, And then someday muster just enough courage to fight with and brave past. So think of it as our story of victory.All Rights Reserved
1 part