Lisa X Irene FF -- Lisa G!P +++ There are so many things that are opposite to one another. The symbol they call 'Sphere of Balance'. But it is divided into two halves. Each half contains a single element of its opposite. DUALISM The notion that all forms of energy have an equally powerful opposing energy. The components has always been complementary. Neither is superior. One cannot exist without the other. It will destroy the balance. Everything in nature is based upon a dualistic principle. When there's light, darkness will always take over. Balanced energy is the key to existence. With no single element dominating over the other. The Sphere of Balance is not only beautiful. It reminds us that the only true path to harmony is through balance. --- Discover how Lisa and Irene will find their way to each other in this fantasy-fanfiction story. Where they stand in each strong sides of the Sphere of Balance, opposite to one another, but the future will tell the true meaning of Balance the moment they discover what the symbol truly means for them. +++All Rights Reserved