Commission This is a work of fiction between two friends of mine. If you want to see more of them, check out their twitch: ~~~~ In the dead of night, a cloaked figure attempts to find solitude in a cafe that should've been empty, given the obscene hour. Unfortunately, he neglects to take into account the just as obscene-tendencies of an old friend. Tensions rise, although not in the way he expects. ~~~~ This is a work of fiction between my two consenting friends, one of which paid me to make this. Their character backstories are based loosely off my scripted SMP, CozyCraft, which I co-own and which they are a part of. The individuals in this story are not in a relationship in real life, so please be respectful. If you're interested in learning more about my commissions, please join my discord: ~~~~ WARNING: This work contains mentions of violent topics and a brief scene involving blood. Please enjoy.All Rights Reserved