Dream and his best friends Sapnap and Skeppy are the three Greek Gods (its a mix more in the story) Dream being more powerful than his two best friends convinces them to mess with the mythical world just to see what would happen. These three friends transform into their mythical forms and go together and since they're mythical form are 17-18 year olds they go to high school. /////////////// George is a mix Dragon and mix human he can transform into a dragon when he wants and also back to human, He is enchanting and beautiful even in his dragon form. Best friend: Karl soon Bad Karl is a Merman but he is the Prince of Merman's and next in line to the throne. Best friend: George & Quackity Bad is a mix his father was a God of justice while his mom was the devils servant but they still love each other and had bad he is really nice but when mad he could make you wish you never crossed him. Quackity is Karl's older brother he is very protective over him and also very powerful but he doesn't want the throne instead he wants to be the leader of warrior merman. Best friend: Karl & George ///////// More Info: George: Able to control peoples bodies but doesn't do a lot unless they deserve it Karl: Manipulation; When he wants his eyes glow a bit as he would manipulate you to do as he wishes but only if you make eye contact Bad: Healing and Destruction Quackity: Control of water also able to make it to Solid, Liquid or Vapor. ///////// Ages: George: 17 Karl: 17 Bad:17 Quackity:18 Dream:18 Sapnap: 17 (older than Karl and Bad) Skeppy: 18 ///////// (It wont make sense but i'm doing it in how i can and what i think would be nice ok? great) Greek God Parents: Dream: Zeus and Artemis Sapnap: Hades and Persephone Skeppy: Ares and Aphrodite ///////// WARNINGS: -smut yes smut you thirsty readers -foul language -bad spelling will edit tho -fights and maybe sad endings but over all happy THE ART IS NOT MINE CREDIT TO RIGHTFUL OWNER IF YOU DONT LIKE IT DONT READ IT OK? ThanksAll Rights Reserved