once upon a time there was a kid who invented shmoney at first no one knew what that was so I'm two months went by people love the song so they wanted to make a dance to it too and let me tell you that was a good success it was the most beautiful dance ever hip hop R&B style it was the best and now to this century to this day everyone dances to money and when that comes on the radio that kid will be remembered for that song could beautiful song for little children to now special especially the one with the cursing it's the best influence see that you should teach your children to curse children's it's good then you know if someone wants to be rude you know what they say I don't f with you you little dumb people I don't know which you I got a million trillion things that I rather do than to be with you you stu song and play with your children to listen to it is awesome song you now peace out the end and that how r & B r and influence your children to it just might come in handy one theAll Rights Reserved
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