This is a fanfiction story based on the novel "Japan Summons" (Nihonkoku Shoukan) which takes place during Japan's war against the Gra Valkas Empire. While Japan prepares to face the threat of an impending, large-scale invasion from the full might of the Empire's navy, the JSDF had something else in mind - to push the Empire forces out of the Republic of Mu and liberate the occupied kingdom of Leifor. This is the story of Lance Corporal Tanaka and his friends of the 7th Reconnaissance Company who participated in Japan's largest offensive to repel the Empire's forces out of the Mu and liberate Leifor from the Empire. Disclaimer: I do not own the premise of the story. Japan Summons (Nihonkoku Shoukan) is a novel written by Minorou. Credits to Kent Lavis for the new story cover.
2 parts