This is a Riverdale and Twilight story. Okay now let's get on to the description. So Joshua and Alison Uley are apart of The Southside Serpent's. Joshua is good friends with FP Jones. A few years after high school and stuff Joshua and Alison get married. Then they have a son. They named him Sam Uley. Then about a year after Sam was born they had a daughter. Rose Uley. But they had an old friend. The Lahote's. Mr. Lahote was a drunk and abusive person. Mrs. Lahote couldn't take anymore so she left. She left leaving her son behind to a man who didn't care. So Joshua and Alison adopted that boy. They let him keep his last name for Lahote. That little boy name was Paul Lahote. So Sam was the oldest, Rose was the second oldest, and Paul was the youngest. So as time went on FP son Jughead became friends with all three Uley kids. Even though they were cousins.But Rose had other friends. Such as Toni, Sweet Pea, and Fangs. They were all close friends. Even Rose brothers were close with them. But Sweet Pea and Rose were closer. Sweet pea even liked Rose. Sam, Paul and Rose were born to be apart of The Southside serpent's. It's like your born royalty. So Rose wouldn't do the Serpent dance. Then Joshua and Alison and the kids left Riverdale. Something happened that no one knows about. It was hard saying goodbye. Especially when Rose told Sweet Pea. They left to Washington and stayed there. Fast forward to now Sam is 18, Rose is 17 and Paul is 17. Paul and Rose are the same age it's just that Rose was born first. They live in LA Push Washington. But they didn't know that they were descendants of werewolves. The tribe legends were true. So they all shifted and kept it a secret. And now they know why they had to leave Riverdale. Now all three kids are going back to Riverdale. How will Sweet pea react to Rose being back? Will old feelings come up?All Rights Reserved