A continuation of Souvenir...
In the months following the incident of Souvenir, Luke has moved fully from Brightwitch to Brooklyn with Ashton. And now life is a party with Michael, Calum, and the rest of his new friends. However, Luke has quickly realized that maybe the glamor of it all is starting to fade, making him want to dive deeper into the lifestyle as if to hold on to how it felt when it was new.
But since Ashton takes him traveling for work, Luke is forced to be around exactly what Ashton's job is, and the dangers that come with it. Luke has to quickly decide who he is and what he wants. He forces himself to take a longer look at the person he was and who he'll become if he chooses to keep following his self-indulgent path.
TW: this novel talks about topics like drug use, addiction, eating disorders, and s*icidal thoughts and actions.
Where Michael thought that he was genuinely going crazy, but three certain murderers just wanted him to feel that way.
Luke, Ashton, and Calum always had each other as their only sources of love, and they thought that their trio was all that was needed alongside their violence. They soon learn that they need just one more person to be completed with bloodlust love: Michael.
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