9 chapitres Terminé Quackity had done the impossible: conned Dream himself out of a Revive book after a bet with Glatt. Will he regret his drunken decision? His loss was Schlatt's gain: now he was revived, heartless physically, but teasing and playful in characteristics, Quackity can't help but see something in the former president that he saw long ago in Manburg. But, with an attack on Las Nevadas from Dream in Quackity's peripheral vision, if Schlatt and Quackity want to learn to make this new revived Schlatt work for them, they will have to figure it out, and fast.
Friday, 5th January 24
This is a continuation of Dream SMP lore written for my sole enjoyment and for you folks to read maybe, if you want to. The blurb above took me all five of my brain cells and my word was it worth it. It focuses mainly on Quackity and Schlatt and their relationship while trying to protect Las Nevadas From Dream, AND NOW IT'S FINISHED WOOOOO. Its very good am very proud :)
Also, this is loosely based on the song 'Dilemma' by Green Day, cause I've always wanted to write a fanfic based on music. It came out cool.