#15 tubboxranboo ARTIST IS @calybrii ON TWITTER. GO CHECK THEM OUT I DEMAND YOU TOO. disclaimer: Do not ship Tubbo and Ranboo irl. That's just low-key gross. They're minors. This story is depictions of their characters in a headcannon AU, and not themselves personally. This story is purely for entertainment and writing about characters being happy distracts me from my declining mental heath. cheers. A badly written and very rushed story I wrote for my creative writing story about Ranboo, Tubbo, and thier son Micheal. Techno's mad at the capital for exiling Tommy. But when he finds out about his brother's secret family what will he do? Seriously the timelines out of wack. also fucked up techno's character but oh well. We all know if you're reading this you're probably a desperate loser and you don't get to choose what happens.Tüm hakları saklıdır
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