40-50% of humanity was wiped out by a man leader named Zenaku Zaldoma after the Rumbling War between 3 nations called the Kismada, the Marian, and The Kurai. Lord Zenaku was begged to lead the Kurai Nation after the war and thats when everything went down hill and became so called hell. Leo who's dream was to have freedom for all 3 nations and to avenge parents along with his clan along, and to awaken his ability power. Until he made the wrong decision to come in contact with zenaku which also involved his befriend he didn't mean for to happen long with other 2 people from the 2 nations and all for right now there mission is to escape from zenaku's darkness.
there will be a twist to Leo's clan history and will he waken his full power? will he still have that dream of freedom for the 3 nations? ,will he succeed on his revenge? Read to find out.
NOTE: image for the over is MY ART
art insta account:@/ toraxn.in
!WARNING!: this will be my first time writing a full story so bear with me, and judge me all you want, and will be nice if you supported this story :) hope you enjoy !