Wednesday, November 6
Why does this have to be so complicated? I don't even know how I feel inside right now, or what I want. My shoulders are so tense that I can feel the knots forming in my neck. I'm hunched over this notebook, bracing for an impact, like at any moment my whole life will come crashing down around me.
I have to talk to Harry.
Life should've been perfect. He had everything: a family, friends, a girlfriend, an undefeated football team, and a half-dozen sports scholarships.
He also had a secret. A secret that was tearing him up from the inside.
Then he met someone who could understand him, and his secret, like no one else could...
But nothing stays secret forever.
Read what happened, in his own words. Keeping his secret was hard, but it was nothing compared to what happened when everyone else found out.