A story of a boy name Akihiko Tatishika who finds himself in the Solace or Ian Army after witnessing a tragic childhood. He and his comrades are in a war between two worlds. The two worlds has two kingdoms. One world is the Supernatural Human Kingdom, and the other world is the Monster Kingdom that is also divided into Four Nations. In both worlds, time is different from any other world. So in the story current time is 30th Century. But it is in the 20th Century and medieval times except still advance in military. Will Akihiko Tatishika and his comrades in the army survive and humanity winning the war and create peace, or will they be left in destruction and never know what peace is again and live for the rest of their life unhappy. What will Akihiko do and his comrades do to win this war? What is the cost and what will they sacrifice? Is it possible that the war will last forever? And so how will this end? Season 1...All Rights Reserved