things we hate in y/n stories - terrible spelling - no full stops/commas - Capital Letter For Every Word - no spaces between paragraphs - too much "also" E.g I got up and got dressed also I ate food also beat a child also I blah blah - too much "and" - overly embarrassing moments (can tolerate it though) - enemies to lovers where suddenly they love each other without going through any emotional development. Like they bully character because they're iN lOVe WitH ThEm - when the character is depressed, gets into a relationship and are suddenly happy - one character having wet dreams in the same bed as the other - when they don't use speech marks - when they think the other character likes someone else when clearly they like them, and then they confront the other like "but you like them" and then they seem so fuvking dumb - when they do a terrible smut scene not understanding anatomy at all - when the smut scene is just unnecessary - when the story could've ended very long ago, but it just keeps going with unnecessary everything - when the dick is so big that the character can see it coming from the stomach - character getting caught looking at other characters body - when someone walks in on characters having sex - when the emotional moment is over in a second - when the character off themselves, but it turns out to be a dream and they didn't actually die - when they say something and it's just forgotten and never brought up again e.g the characters blind, next moment that character is LOOKING with eyes for whatever - when a character experiences something like sexual assault, and then don't react to it at all other than being a bit sad/feeling gross afterwards, like they should have at least some trauma right? Like being touched could make them flinch or worry - when the plot just doesn't exist - the emotionless characters/over the top "UwU oWo" characters - bad boy love interest - stereotypes every story has - furriesAll Rights Reserved