Our queen is dying. The princess swam fast and strong to her mother. Locking her arms around her. Her body shaking, as the Princess sobbed for her Queen. I grabbed onto Miro's hand, unsure if I could handle watching our Queen be taken from her princess. The princess let out a pain-filled scream full of remorse, her eyes glowing a bright blue, the water following her mournful cries of orders. The water goes into the airlifting the life under the sea with it. Thunder clouds pouring rain into the ocean, caused by its princess's pain. The water comes back down only to make waves as big as mountains crashing into each other. The water sent waves through the ocean. Letting its people know their Queen is gone. She was now at peace, She was at one with water, becoming another story the ocean would whisper. Another secret the ocean would keep in its depths and waves. Only to be told as another bedtime story. The legend of the Fallen Queen. Poseidon's wife. Asherah's Mother.