George and Clay have been friends ever since they were kids, and still are now. George is 18 and Clay is 17 almost 18, they go to Klaxians High or KH for short, they are both seniors and are part of a very big group of friends who are all very close.
Unlike Clay, George, is very out going and friendly to most who cross his path. He is a huge goof ball and very energetic, at the same time he is a very talented student, player and boxer. Though his grades could be better.
Again unlike George, Clay, is quiet and calm, like George, he is very kind though more judgmental of others and cautious. He is very refined and not someone you want to get in a fight with, he is a very quick witted, a skilled boxer, observer, and very strategic. He is the smartest in the grade, he is very good with coding, math, and many other subjects.
As they are nearing the end of the school year a grave secret is revealed that shocks everyone.
What will happen to their relationships, friendships, and memories? Will everything be distorted in a new perspective that changes their way of life?
Read the story to find out.
Also sorry is this is really bad