Akira Shinjuku isn't your average teenager living in 1987 Japan. The world's greatest paranormal investigator working for the Bureau of Paranormal Extermination, he wields a phenomenon called a Rock Move, with his Rock Move, Footloose, being the strongest of them all. Aided by his doom and gloom girlfriend Amanda Valentine, his edgy as blades rival Rei Higashikata, his video game and cartoon obsessed alien best friend Josefumi Jirou, and his disciple, an eccentric German witch named Maria Elric, Akira is looking to avenge his father's death at the hands of Bruno, a mysterious hitman wearing a cartoonish dog mask. Fullfilling his destiny won't be easy, as devils, freaks, scary monsters and super creeps hinder his way. But with his trusty escrima sticks and his team, he can do anything. Cry for love, fight for love, know love. This is Silent November.
They're the strongest combatants in Japan. The ones with far more talented gifts than the average person; most being non-human. They all live separate lives, knowing each other at different degrees by attending the same high school.
Everything changes when Akira Haruno, the sociopathic heiress of a wealthy real estate company kidnaps them and forces them into participating in her trials. She is in love with one of the hostages, and wants him, most of all.
That's not the real motive. Her father, Darius Haruno, wants to make the hostages his army - his soldiers - and use their skills, abilities and weaponry to aid him in dictating the world. If they try to escape, he'll kill them and all of their loved ones, including their fellow hostages. Told from the perspective of Emiko Hana, a sharp-tongued vampire with a lonely, desensitized high school life and dark past. Her and the other hostages must work together, discovering more about each other's pasts, and also more about themselves.
Let the trials begin, freaks.