Elin Stenbock spent her days studying law and drinking way too many lattes but when the sun fell and the shadows darkened, she became a monster. Trailing the rooftops of Knockturn Alley, as well as the West End of London, and watching her prey from high above, she waited patiently until they were at their weakest moments before slashing their throats and taking their hearts as proof of a job well done. The assassin was so well-feared throughout the darkest corners of the Wizarding World that she was branded a name, 'The Clandestine', for her ability to hide in plain sight until she wanted to be seen. However, one night, Elin made a mistake while on one of her jobs and a certain Fred Weasley caught her. The naive man is determined to learn what she was doing but will her darkness smudge the bright light in him or will he bleed gold onto the inky blackness of her world?