8 parts Ongoing MatureThis narrative narrates the experiences of a Hydra operative named Y/N, also known as The Winter Raven, who passionately seeks to liberate herself from the clutches of Hydra since her early years. Throughout her journey, she unexpectedly falls in love with Bucky Barnes, renowned as The Winter Soldier, one of Hydra's most skilled assassins. Y/N, a 22-year-old individual adorned with dark brown hair and brown eyes, has been entangled in Hydra's web since birth, her true parentage remaining undisclosed. Forced to play the role of a loyal and compliant soldier, she harbors fear after witnessing the torment inflicted upon unwilling participants. However, her façade of allegiance begins to crumble as Hydra agent Pierce identifies a weakness in her resolve. Subsequently, Y/N endures unspeakable torture and a failed brainwashing attempt by Hydra. Miraculously, a dormant power within her emerges, unbeknownst to the organization. Hydra discovers her astounding abilities while experimenting with variant versions of the super soldier serum, effectively amplifying the effects of DNA and awakening latent strands. Seizing the opportunity, Pierce designates The Winter Soldier as her partner, employing him to demonstrate the brutal and relentless nature of a soldier. Amidst the relentless torment, Y/N finds solace in the profound bond she develops with her partner.