Brought together by the Ministry of Magic's Marriage Law, Draco and Hermione work together to undermine the edict and subvert their arranged marriage while most decidedly not falling in love in the process. Work dedicated to mister_otter. I cannot describe to you my anxiety in signing up for this fest. What if I had no idea what to do with the prompts? What if none of them spoke to me? Then, Ningloreth sent the assignments. Dearest Duet partner, you may be my fanfic soulmate. Could there have been more perfect prompts? Could your kinks and squicks have aligned more perfectly with what I like to write? No, they could not have. You're an angel, and I can't wait to find out who you are so that I can fangirl all over you (assuming, of course, that I haven't already done so.) I hope you like this. <3 Thanks to my wonderful alpha, dormiensa, for keeping my magical theory in check and helping me amp up the UST. Thank you to my beta, eilonwy, for her help with the final grammatical polish and confidence boost. All remaining errors are my own. Prompts: 1. A fun romp in the spirit of "A Midsummer Night's Dream," with autumn themes instead. 2. Draco and Hermione share an unusual and unexpected interest that brings them together. 3. 'Partners in crime' of any type-paired for school, work, scavenger hunt, or actual partners solving a mystery (or maybe creating one) :)