Sasha Thomas Was Thrilled when a former client offered for her to come to A Christmas Party he was hosting, It would be a Great way to promote her Career, possibly find some soon to be clients, and maybe enjoy herself With a deserved break from work.
Plans change when Due to a bit of Alcohol, her and a group of others, Including Young witty laywer, Erix Miller, Are all stuck in the Home Due to harsh storms and Blizzard warnings. Things get from worse, to Homicidal, When they Find the Host of the party, dead. At that moment, the Dozen or so people there, realize Someone there must have Murdered them
Together, the terrified group struggles to learn who to trust, who to defend, and later on, who to run from...
Will Sasha and her New found friends be able to Survive the time they are there? and find out who Is responsible.. Or Will someone have to hire a New Ghostwriter after a bloody accident?