NOXIOUS adj/ Harmful, poisonous, or very unpleasant. "For the love of Merlin Granger, that kiss meant nothing. You mean nothing. So how about you stop wasting your breath on me and go give it to someone who cares." Hermione could have sworn her heart stopped a few beats. "I'm sure Weasley would cream his knickers over your attention." he said with a sneer. - 6th year the order has no knowledge of the task in which Draco Malfoy is to fulfill, but they suspect the boy is up to something. Hermione Granger is given the mission to gain Malfoys trust and find out what it is that he is up to. But of course, as always, things do not go as planned when Hermione actually starts to feel something for him. Their relationship was noxious, but what could she say he was like a drug and she was an addict.All Rights Reserved