It all started that day... "Ahhh..." "Really, now?" All because you dropped your bag full of drawings on the floor. "Ah...I didn't mean to drop that..." If only the library didn't have those girls there... "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Things wouldn't have escalated to this...or maybe if you just didn't show up that day... "Oh...Yukko is at Mister Donut." "Let's go, let's go! Mister Donut, everybody!" "Uh...I have a shift now." "I'll pass, too." "For real?" "You're not going home yet?" "Nah...later." "Wait, you like that thing?!" She would've never noticed you. That Nagatoro... "Then, you're my Senpai♡." - A Nagatoro x Reader fic ♡ - (Art does not belong to me. All art in this belongs to its rightful owners.)All Rights Reserved