Plot: It's a Story about a 20 year old boy named Steven who lost his family and now he lives along with his dog Pluto at Tito Lorenzo and Tita Diane that home of Steven's cousin Crystal, Allison, and Bryan.
His life is changing when he studied at the "ThomasVille International School" where he'll meet some new best friends like Criza, Maymay, Belle, Limer, Kaori, Wallabee, The Outcast students like: the Green Slimy friendly Blobby, The Mummy student who likes to party Murray, the Outcast cool guy Frank. Also the Cool Kids: Edward, Donny, Joao, and Rhys.
But things will be different because He will find his "Zing" (Love at First Sight) and her name was Vivoree a young beautiful girl that will change his life!