With the fury and might that became of our sun, he would tear the world apart. And the other would make it whole again, to complete the cycle anew, to start it all again, to right the wrongs, to set the balance.
No whispers or shouts could pierce this cycle of destiny, mortals could only watch as forces far above them manipulated the world as they saw fit. They knew that the sound would simply be lost to the vacuum of space, they knew that their voices could be torn from their throats the moment they dared utter a word in defiance, they knew that they're not even the pawns of this immortalized chess game. Merely specks of dust on the checkerboard of the godly challenges of the mortal world.
But they screamed anyway. They screamed, they whispered, they danced, they talked, they sang, they made noise. The words fell on deaf ears, but wandered amongst them as lost travelers, welcomed in by any mortals who still had anything left to hear with.
Soon, their songs turned from the gods and to one another. They stopped looking for gods up above - those gods merely had ignored them all their lives, who were they to continue paying homage to a dead shrine? The devout slowly fizzled, simmered down to almost nothing, washed down the drain along with the principles of the old life. The world, of course, remained in almost certain turmoil.
But amongst all of this in-fighting, world and civil wars, heartbreak, pain, and loss, a new being rose up from the dust of the ancient battlefields. A being as a self-proclaimed god, to assist the world in becoming anew. They gathered up those wishes, with their might and newfound power, and created The Chessboard.
Yet this new world did not stretch its influence across the entire planet...around half is still in the ways of war and fighting.
The lines are clear, and unfortunately some teens find themselves on the wrong sides of them - some even perch precariously on that line; some are the ones to draw it.
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
social media & irl
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