!! NOT CANNON !! =============================== It's another day on the DSMP for technoblade but who knows what might happen, maybe someone will fill the dark gap in his own heart?? ======================================== --Narrator: A new player joins and a new story starts-- --********** joined-- --Tommyinit: who the f*ck is the b**ch-- --**********: LANGUAGE YOU MUFFIN HEAD-- --Technoblade: hallo-- --WilburSoot: Welcome **********!!-- --Narrator: Will tommy be nice for once? Well find out-- --Tommyinit: I WON'T BE NICE B**CH-- --***********: Tommy you muffin head leave the Narrator alone for once, sorry Narrator continue-- --Narrator: I'm finishing up actually-- =============================== Read on to find the truth of this book 𝓔𝓷𝓳𝓸𝔂 P.s DONT EXPECT QUICK UPDATE'S OKAY, BYE!!! You can stop now Read the book now okay STOP READING THIS MATE Wow you are super annoying rn 😂 Okay, bye now! CAN YOU READ STOP GOOD BYE(CC) Attrib. NonCommercial