Being rewritten with mainly the same ideas-no longer reincarnated anymore though on Bear0927 3littlekitsunekun123 -Ao3 ( not written here but my Ao3 account) After living a split life she is pulled into another world in hopes of finding "her heaven". Whatever that is. Can a simple blond boy and very dangerous group of criminals unknowingly help with that? or "Are you ready to go to heaven?" The girl shrugged her shoulders. She lived a split life. Each side believed one thing. What side was right? Did she truly know even after her death? "You wish to live again." The girl again, shrugged. She never wanted to live life like that, again. "You wish to try again, to have a fresh start in the world?" The girl shook her head, which intrigued the angelic being. "Not in this world," The girl voiced her thoughts. "So you would happily be born again, in another world, and with your memories intact?" "Yes. Any world that I can find true happiness in..." "Your wish will be granted... After all, heaven is different for everyone. Find yours."