This is inspired by a different Fic called Intoxication.
There's a number you can call, at your true lowest. 5 rings exactly, and he will pick up
"Hello, You've Reached The End Of The Line, Who Do You Want Dead?"
His voice will come out rusted and old. It sounds like the voice overs in those scary story videos, but all too real.
"Ah Yes, I've Been Waiting Years For This Call"
You sell your soul with this call. Because he isn't like other people you may call to get rid of somebody. He listens, watches, and notes everything about you, and who you want gone.
"And What Is Your Name?"
By the end of 24 hours from the call, you will either be dead, or your target will.
Once you have been targeted by him, you can't escape. He will find you, and when he does, you will lose exactly what you put on the line. The End Of The Line. Your life, or theirs?