The story is meant to go like this:
Leon Sofros and Smokez "R" Anderson, meet at a park. It's not love at first sight, but it's the start of something that leads up to it. They connect, they hold hands, they figure it out, and in the meantime, figure themselves out. It's not sweeping, nor wild. It's quiet, unassuming, but still very much theirs.
The story is meant to go like this:
An intergalactic war happens. Galaxies and ships are torn apart, and the universe is at the precipice of total disaster. In another world - where things aren't so different (but they really are) - Leon Sofros dies stopping but failing to save Smokez "R" Anderson, someone he loved and never said it, not until it was too late.
The story is meant to go like this:
Leon Sofros wakes up with memories of another him and an eye that glows gold and lets him see things he shouldn't, and he sleeps for far too long.
The story is meant to go like this:
Leon Sofros and Smokez "R" Anderson get married, have a great 10 years, and separate at the height of misunderstandings by the machinations of powers that manipulate them into being their unwitting pawns.
The story is meant to go like this:
Smokez "R" Anderson lives stopping but failing to save Leon Sofros, someone he loved and never said it, not until it was too late.
But instead, it goes like this:
In another world, Leon Sofros, after a night of difficult work, looks at his phone. He realizes he's nearly forgotten something, and manages to not fuck up.
In this one, Leon is just a little too tired, a little too angry, and a little too forgetful, and doesn't check his phone.
In this one, he is a little too late.
In this one, dominoes never meant to be start to fall.
Jacob, an abusive, jealous, and manipulative man, just cannot seem to impress his ex in front of his new partner. Rather, he can't win him back.
In the City of New Lunadia, where people are hybrids of humans and "spirits" such as wolves, zombies, or elemental forces of nature, there are two of them who's lives are about to change.
Elli Fox, a 21-year old telepathic vampire who is also a famous popstar, Sunny Fox, Elli's wife, a 21-year old shadow spirit with powers of infliction, teleportation, and increased strength, and Noah Woodson, a 21-year-old empath with the power of light manipulation and creation. They were highschool friends who hadn't seen each other since college. One day, they bump into eachother at a party. Noah uses whatever chance he gets to tell Elli about everything, but also, to confess about how he truly feels about his friend. Elli and Sunny keep him their little secret. Elli loves Noah so much and wouldn't wanna see him get hurt. But it doesn't stay a secret for long. Hearts are broken, sparks fly, and most importantly, fists are thrown.
This story will occasionally be edited, as I may not like how things sound over time. I am progressively getting better at writing smut. If you read this book again and notice some changes, don't worry! I'm just trying to make it better. I wrote this about a year ago and I have grown a lot since then.
This book contains LGBTQIA+ relationships, people, and detailed sexual scenes. If you are against the LGBTQIA, i suggest you read another book and leave no hate.
Because you don't have to.
Thank you!