This is the new story 😎
Hello!! You have reached the description,,
I am back, yes.
Full Update and Apology in my board -> so go check that out if you haven't, unless you don't want to or you don't know me- (it's a thread)
Actual description:
The cover is mine! Yesyes, something finally original 🥲
The idea of the story originates from the very famous Dream SMP and L'Manberg ✨✨
So if you're here and you don't know what the hxll is going on then go check that out- because it's poggers, will make you cry and Is just the cherry on top !
Anywho, other than my weird statement, welcome friends! :D
swearing (blocked with x - Example: shxt, hxll), warnings for other triggers if necessary, and actual plot 😎
Oh ! It also contains switching POV's-
It'll mostly be 3rd person, but it might switch. (Will be mentioned who's POV it is in the beginning of the chapter.)