12 parti In corso Per adultiThe Jedi Order has fallen. The few remaining survivors have exiled themselves on distant worlds, vowing never to speak to each other until the time came to strike back against the growing Empire.
After two months in hiding on the icy world of Kijimi, Ahsoka Tano received a call. Anakin Skywalker was missing.
Once the search for her former master commences, her ability, strength, and love will be tested like never before. Will she thrive in the chaos, or will it consume her?
*Disclaimer: I don't own Star Wars, so the characters, places, etc. belong to Lucasfilm
**Content Rating: Rated mature for mature themes, potentially triggering depictions of mental illness, and implicit references to domestic violence. Just because a character acts a certain way does not mean I condone it in any way. My intention is never to offend or upset any of my readers! If you choose to read this book, you are choosing to be mature while reading it and in what you decide to comment. Thanks in advance!