An orphan, a refugee, & a vagabond join fates. From three corners of Skyrim, the Greybeards call together the three heroes of the world. One, a woman seeking out what is left of her family. Another, a noble legend coming & going as he pleases. The last, an ambitious adventurer with hopes of becoming a hero. Upon meeting each other, jealousy flares, duty calls, romance ventures, & destiny beckons. With Alduin's hunger for the world quickly growing stronger, Tamriel will rest on the shoulders of not one DragonBorn, but three.
Ingvild entered the world as completely alone until an orphanage took him in. He grew up in that orphanage with no one so much as considering him as a son. Soon, the Imperial boy became a man & moved on from the home he knew. He fast transformed into, what one could call, a small giant with incomprehensible power. Altmer Eyrasabeth was abandoned as an infant on the porch of young Rylon's parents' house. The Elf and the Argonian grew up together as brother & sister with an Argonian father & an Imperial mother. Just as Rylon entered adulthood, soldiers broke the family apart by execution for prolonged Blackmarsh law violations. Rylon and his sister, being able to escape their fates, entered a new one. As Eyrasabeth entered womanhood, she chanced an escape to Skyrim from Argonian Soldiers. For the first time in their lives, Rylon and Eyrasabeth were split apart. Now, the three will congregate to fulfill their individual birth rites as DragonBorn.