As students, we are told that math and sciences are the most important subjects to keep your grades up in. When we take creative classes like art or music, we're often told that it's okay if you're not good at it. So, some of us take that to heart when planning for college. We take as many difficult classes as we can pertaining to our majors- chemistry, calculus, Advanced Composition- anything that will make our GPA's pristine and polished to an administrator. We do this to the brink of actual insanity and mental breakdown. We lose who we are as individuals because the schools meld us into a sort of mold that has created many students before us...
And it sucked. In my personal experience, by the time I had gotten to my senior year, I was so exhausted and worn out from the numerous amount of difficult classes, that I had forgotten myself through the process. I stopped doing the things I loved like hanging out with friends, playing video games, even writing! I had told my advisor (and school councilor) about my situation, and she told me to take a creative writing class.
At first, I was hesitant because it didn't have anything to do with my planned major, biochemistry. I didn't think it would be good for me, but she told me it was to give me a mental break. Knowing my history with her, I trusted her judgement and went with it.
Best. Decision. EVER!
Which is what this book is about. Not only will I show you the pieces I've completed and worked on, but also how these pieces I worked on in high school helped me grow into the person I am today. And it's also a reminder to why it's okay to take a break from your regular studies.
P.S. this stuff is mostly for students in the US. I have no idea what's it's like for students in other countries. :P