Unofficial Title: Dark Relations Genre: Fantasy Description: Born into a society where beauty is the most important thing, Tharuil is an outcast. An orphan, abandoned by his parents, he has lived a rough life that he always finds himself running away from. When he was 12 he ran away from his foster home to live of the streets, stealing to survive. At 15 he ran away from the juvenile correctional system, where he landed after being caught in the act of theft. But his life of running leads him to a place where there is no one to run from, no one living anyhow. He meets a long dead general of the Dinjērian elven ranks and is taken on as his apprentice. This changes his life. But, was it worth all the bad things it would bring him in the end? I am looking for someone willing to exchange constructive criticism. I don't believe in comment-for-comment.